PROVETS Animal Nutrition aims at the highest quality in nutritional products for animals

PROVETS Animal Nutrition ensures the highest quality in nutritional products for animals.
The team of PROVETS Animal Nutrition is formed by persons with a passion for horses since they were very young. Nowadays our team members own quite some horses, which are being trained to perform in the sport on the highest levels.

In the search to improve the health & performance of our horses, we noted that we were missing the right products of high quality and started creating our own products for the horses. Since then, other people started using the same products from us and became so enthusiastic that we decided to make it available for the whole industry.

At PROVETS Animal Nutrition we have one goal: to provide the best possible nutrition for your horse or pony. With the highest quality nutrition we match the requirements from breeding to leisure riding, racing and top-level sports.


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All ingredients, the complete production process and the delivery of products are subject to strict rules to ensure safe feed. The products in our horse nutrition range are regularly renewed and further developed.

Through intensive exchanges with riders & horse owners and through our own scientific research, we are able to optimize our nutrition concepts continuously to meet actual market needs.

PROVETS Animal Nutrition cares about animal welfare and will do utmost to contribute to a long, fit & healthy life.